All about SEO

Introduction Guide to Search Engine Optimization

 SEO means Search Engine Optimization.It is the process of optimising the content that is to be displayed through search engine organic search results.Searching for query in search engine may look very easy process but there are lot more things in that.Firstly when we search for any query it will go through all the pages that are indexed in search engine and display the most relevant pages according to our query.

Let us understand this with an example. As libraries are used to store books similarly ,Search engines store copies of websites and  webpages .It is targeted to unpaid traffic then to paid or direct traffic.

 You must be wondering that when there are many marketing mediums available then why should one go with SEO.

There are 3 major reasons why marketers choose search engine optimisation to attract the best traffic source.

  1. Free search traffic: Unlike paying for the ads, search traffic is free.Unless your business is large enough that you can spend dollars on its advertising than too there is not assurance for people visiting to your website. SEO provide you with ease on financial ground.

2. Consisting organic traffic :Other  marketing mediums like  various social media platform gives temporary traffic hikes.Once your stop paying or campaign over your ranking comes down again .This is because of the reasons that social media are designed to serve fresh and updated content and even in email marketing ,emails are being read or delete or even left in the spam box but search traffic is a result of user actively searching for information. The number of searches for any particular topic is consistent every month.But in SEO Results are organic without any ad cost and consistent results for months

3. Reaching to a massive audience: In search engine optimisation you have the opportunity to reach a massive audience which you couldn’t access otherwise. There are many analytical tools one of them is Google Analytics that tells a lot about the visitors to your website, including which pages and blog posts generate traffic .Apart form learning SEO one should apply it practically for your website then only you will be able to rank your page. For this there are many SEO institute in Jaipur which provide SEO training also.

How does Google work?

Search engine Optimization  has created a new reform of growth in SERP results which makes it a Billion of dollars industry.Marketers from every field and industry using it today  to get discovered by people for their business, and SEO helps them  to do so.

There are 3 stages  in which any search engine works:

  1. Crawling: Firstly Search engines crawlers crawls through hundreds of billions of pages  which allow google to discovered various webpages and create search index..To attain information , google use web crawlers commonly referred to as search engine bots or spiders which collect publicly available information from all over the web.The spiders will then start crawling to a list of known URLs which is known as seeds.They then Crawl to newly discovered pages by following the hyperlinks on those pages.This process continues which allows them to take tons of information.
  2. Indexing:Next step to this is to analyse these URLand and find out what information each page has.Then it categorises the information according to media ,image and content file and gets it added in their huge database called google index. So Next time when any user searches for that particular query google will show results from its indexed pages.

 It is prefered that your technical Seo should be in good order and your sitemap,Header and tags should be configured properly at these very first 2 stages of SEO.

  1. Google Algorithm: The last stage follows google algorithm.In this process google internally ranks websites and  determines which pages are more relevant and are indexed accordingly.

Now we understand that Results in SERP shown within a click are not that easy. How Crawling and indexing of pages makes it easy to display our search query.Few other factors discussed why marketers preferred to choose SEO over paid advertising.There are various other medium of advertising one of most prominent is youtube marketing.If one understands the concept to grow Youtube channel more traffic and leads can be generated 

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